Journal of Sports Science and Medicine Journal of Sports Science and Medicine
Ios-APP Journal of Sports Science and Medicine
Journal of Sports Science and Medicine
Ios-APP Journal of Sports Science and Medicine
Journal of Sports Science and Medicine

Back Issue
March 2008 - Volume 07, Issue 1
Table of Contents
Review article
The Metabolic Demands of Kayaking: A Review
Jacob S. Michael, Kieron B. Rooney, Richard Smith
2008, 07(1), 1-7

Research article
Temporal Dynamics of Acrobatic Activity: An Approach of Elite Athletes Specious Present
Denis Hauw, Marc Durand
2008, 07(1), 8-14

Research article
Lack of Agreement Between Gas Exchange Variables Measured by Two Metabolic Systems
Djordje G. Jakovljevic, David Nunan, Gay Donovan, Lynette D. Hodges, Gavin R. H. Sandercock, David A. Brodie
2008, 07(1), 15-22

Research article
Peers’ Influence on Exercise Enjoyment: A Self-Determination Theory Approach
Juan Antonio Moreno Murcia, Maria López de San Román, Celestina Martínez Galindo, Néstor Alonso, David González-Cutre
2008, 07(1), 23-31

Research article
Exertion During Uphill, Level and Downhill Walking With and Without Hiking Poles
Stephane Perrey, Nicolas Fabre
2008, 07(1), 32-38

Research article
The Effects of Interval Feedback on The Self-Efficacy of Netball Umpires
Alison J. Mahoney, Tracey Devonport, Andrew M. Lane
2008, 07(1), 39-46

Research article
Relationship Between Maximum Shoulder External Rotation Angle During Throwing and Physical Variables
Koji Miyashita, Yukio Urabe, Hirokazu Kobayashi, Kiyoshi Yokoe, Sentaro Koshida, Morio Kawamura, Kunio Ida
2008, 07(1), 47-53

Research article
Anaerobic Capacity May Not Be Determined by Critical Power Model in Elite Table Tennis Players
Alessandro M. Zagatto, Marcelo Papoti, Claudio A. Gobatto
2008, 07(1), 54-59

Research article
Analysis of Drafting Effects in Swimming Using Computational Fluid Dynamics
António José Silva, Abel Rouboa, António Moreira, Victor Machado Reis, Francisco Alves, João Paulo Vilas-Boas, Daniel Almeida Marinho
2008, 07(1), 60-66

Research article
Searching for Criteria in Evaluating the Monofin Swimming Turn from the Perspective of Coaching and Improving Technique
Marek Rejman, Grażyna Borowska
2008, 07(1), 67-77

Research article
Glenohumeral Internal Rotation Deficit in the Asymptomatic Professional Pitcher and its Relationship to Humeral Retroversion
John M. Tokish, Michael S. Curtin, Young-Kyu Kim, Richard J. Hawkins, Michael R. Torry
2008, 07(1), 78-83

Research article
The Effects of Kinetic Energy on Concentric and Eccentric Isokinetic Work
Brian Boggess, Jeff Moffit, Jacobo Morales, Tim Anderson
2008, 07(1), 84-90

Research article
Influence of Gait Manipulation on Running Economy in Female Distance Runners
Wayland Tseh, Jennifer L. Caputo, Don W. Morgan
2008, 07(1), 91-95

Research article
Pre, during, and post exercise anterior tibial compartment pressures in long distance runners
Panagiotis Baltopoulos, Eugenia Papadakou, Maria Tsironi, Panagiotis Karagounis, George Prionas
2008, 07(1), 96-100

Research article
The Relationship Between Isometric and Dynamic Strength in College Football Players
Michael R. McGuigan, Jason B. Winchester
2008, 07(1), 101-105

Research article
Can Blood Gas and Acid-Base Parameters at Maximal 200 Meters Front Crawl Swimming be Different Between Former Competitive and Recreational Swimmers?
Jernej Kapus, Anton Usaj, Boro Strumbelj, Venceslav Kapus
2008, 07(1), 106-113

Research article
The Role of Knee Positioning and Range-of-Motion on the Closed-Stance Forehand Tennis Swing
Steven M. Nesbit, Monika Serrano, Mike Elzinga
2008, 07(1), 114-124

Research article
The Effects of Sodium Citrate Ingestion on Metabolism and 1500-m Racing Time in Trained Female Runners
Vahur Ööpik, Saima Timpmann, Kadri Kadak, Luule Medijainen, Kalle Karelson
2008, 07(1), 125-131

Research article
Aerobic Fitness Level Typical of Elite Athletes is not Associated With Even Faster VO Kinetics During Cycling Exercise
Tiago R. Figueira, Fabrizio Caputo, Carlos E.P. Machado, Benedito S. Denadai
2008, 07(1), 132-138

Research article
Volume of Physical Activity and Injury Occurrence in Young Basketball Players
Jenny Gianoudis, Kate E. Webster, Jill Cook
2008, 07(1), 139-143

Research article
Comparing the Effects of Various Whole-Body Vibration Accelerations on Counter-Movement Jump Performance
David M. Bazett-Jones, Holmes W. Finch, Eric L. Dugan
2008, 07(1), 144-150

Research article
Echocardiographic Parameters in Athletes of Different Sports
Tomas Venckunas, Arimantas Lionikas, Jolanta E. Marcinkeviciene, Rasa Raugaliene, Aleksandras Alekrinskis, Arvydas Stasiulis
2008, 07(1), 151-156

Research article
Season-to-Season Variations of Physiological Fitness Within a Squad of Professional Male Soccer Players
Niall A. Clark, Andrew M. Edwards, R. Hugh Morton, Ronald J. Butterly
2008, 07(1), 157-165

Research article
Identification of Placebo Responsive Participants in 40km Laboratory Cycling Performance
Christopher J. Beedie, Abigail J. Foad, Damian A. Coleman
2008, 07(1), 166-175

Research article
Effect of Heat Preconditioning by Microwave Hyperthermia on Human Skeletal Muscle After Eccentric Exercise
Norio Saga, Shizuo Katamoto, Hisashi Naito
2008, 07(1), 176-183

Case report
A Hypothesis: Could Portable Natural Grass be a Risk Factor for Knee Injuries?
John Orchard, Gil Rodas, Lluis Til, Jordi Ardevòl, Ian Chivers
2008, 07(1), 184-190

Letter to editor
Effects of Microwave Hyperthermia at Two Different Frequencies (434 and 2450 MHz) on Human Muscle Temperature
Noriko Ichinoseki-Sekine, Hisashi Naito, Norio Saga, Yuji Ogura, Minoru Shiraishi, Arrigo Giombini, Valentina Giovannini, Shizuo Katamoto
2008, 07(1), 191-193

Book review
Carl J. Payton and Roger M. Bartlett
2008, 07(1), 194

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